Gov’t ready to pay more for energy companies

Gov’t ready to pay more for energy companies


refid:11790473 ilişkili resim dosyası

The bill would also allow wind, solar or other renewable energy farms to be set up in national parks, according to a copy of the legislation obtained by Bloomberg.

The bill will be discussed in an energy committee in the parliament Thursday and "it’s our aim to bring it to the main assembly in the coming 10 days," according to Soner Aksoy, the lawmaker who heads the committee.

Turkey is seeking to diversify its energy resources to reduce dependence on imported gas from Russia and Iran and help meet increasing demand.

Under the draft legislation the state-run power company will guarantee a price of 7 euro cents per kilowatt-hour for hydroelectric power. For land-based wind power the price is 8 euro cents and 12 euro cents for wind farms at sea. The grid will pay 16 euro cents for tidal power and up to 25 euro cents for some types of solar energy, the draft says.

The lengths of the price guarantees range from 10 years for wind, geothermal, tidal, hydroelectric and biomass generation to up to 25 years for solar power, it says.

Producers who use locally-made turbines or other equipment can claim an additional fee of up to 3 euro cents per kilowatt- hour, the bill shows. There will also be assistance in laying lines to link the generators to the national distribution system.