Golden Boll ends with two winning movies

Golden Boll ends with two winning movies

ADANA - Anadolu Agency
Golden Boll ends with two winning moviesGolden Boll ends with two winning movies

Reha Erdem wins the best director with his film ‘Djin’ award at 20th Golden Boll Film Festival held in Adana. DHA photo

The Golden Boll festival has ended with presentation of awards, which were this year shared between two films. Hakkı Kurtuluş and Melik Saraçoğlu’s “Gözümün Nuru” (Eye Am) as well as Mahmut Fazıl Coşkun’s “Yozgat Blues” movies jointly received the big prize of the Adana Golden Boll festival.

The awards ceremony took place in Çukurova University Congress Center and a total of 12 movies competed for the grand awards. This year, the Yılmaz Güney Award went to Deniz Akçay Katıksız’s “Köksüz (Nobody’s Home) and the best director award went to Reaha Erdem with his movie “Jin” (Djin).

Earlier, the first awards of the 20th Adana Golden Boll Film Festival were announced Sept. 20. A total of 10 films were awarded in the National Students’ Films Competition and the International Mediterranean Countries Short Film Competition. At a ceremony held at the Hilton Hotel, National Students’ Films Competition jury member Yekta Kopan announced the award winning films. According to the evaluation of the competition jury, the best fiction film award went to a film shot by 9 Eylül University students Eren Çukurluöz and Umut Subaşı, “Eksik” (Missing).

In the meantime, the Lifetime Achievement award was also presented on Sept. 19 at a ceremony.

Artists Çolpan İlhan, İzzet Günay, Demir Görgün and producer Necip Sarıcı all received the traditional award of the festival.