Genetically pure Norduz sheep saved by village not migrating

Raised only in the eastern province of Van's Gürpınar district, Norduz sheep have been saved from going extinct thanks to the people of Geçerli village who did not migrate from the region in the '90s, with studies for the continuation of the species ongoing since 2007.
Van, one of the provinces with the highest number of sheep and goats in Türkiye, draws attention with the number of animals. The most remarkable among the small ruminants in the province is the Norduz sheep.
This sheep, which is found only in the Norduz region of the Gürpınar district, is known for its endurance, survival and adaptability. The meat, milk and other characteristics of the breed yield better quality than other sheep.
In the 1990s, many villagers in the Norduz region migrated to other provinces due to security concerns. With the migration in the region, the Norduz sheep became endangered.
The generation of Norduz sheep, which are numerous in the region but sold during migration, was preserved thanks to the people of Geçerli, the only village that did not migrate.
Ömer Ertaş, a villager, said, "We did not migrate in that period, nor did we sell our animals. Norduz sheep remained in our village only in that period. Our village saved the generation of Norduz sheep."
Yakup Ayten, the district director of the Agriculture and Forestry Directorate, emphasized the value of Geçerli village and said, "If it were not for Geçerli, maybe we would not be talking about the Norduz sheep breed today. Therefore, the project was initiated from here."
“We aim to increase the number of animals in the enterprises in order to enable the producer to earn money, and to give a geographical mark to Norduz sheep meat,” he said.
Van Agricultural Research Institute Director Erdal Orman, who stated that the number determination studies are continuing in the region, said, "With these projects, the Norduz sheep will be taken under protection, introduced to the world and its generation will be preserved with all its features."