Fresh start call warms Russians

Fresh start call warms Russians

Hurriyet Daily News with wires

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Top Russian official welcomed warm signals from Washington following the highest-level Russian-U.S. meeting since President Barack Obama succeeded George W. Bush.

Ivanov said his country is hearing a "very strong signal" from the new U.S. administration on improving relations between the two countries. "There is optimism, cautious optimism," Ivanov said in Germany after talks with Biden, according to Agence France-Presse.

In a major foreign policy address at the Munich Security Conference, Biden promised sharp break from go-it-alone policies of Bush era, declaring the U.S. open for talks with Iran and Russia to repair ties. "I come to Europe on behalf of a new administration determined to set a new tone not only in Washington, but in America's relations around the world," he told the gathering.

Resetting frosty ties
Vice president also said that it was time to "reset the button" on Washington's frosty ties with Moscow, and that the U.S. was willing to talk with the "great people" of Iran after three decades of frozen relations.

While Biden's speech was short on details of emerging Obama administration policies - including its plans and ambitions for Afghanistan - his remarks set a tone of partnership in contrast to what some allies saw as a more bullying posture by the previous administration.

On Iran, Biden said the U.S. will strive to act preventively and avoid having to choose between the risks of war and the dangers of inaction. And he said if Tehran gives up its nuclear program and stops backing terrorists, there will be meaningful incentives, according to the Associated Press. Still, he said the U.S. continues "to develop missile defenses to counter a growing Iranian capability, provided the technology is proven and it is cost-effective."