France heading to legislative elections

France heading to legislative elections


French President Hollande’s Socialist Party expected to win a narrow but workable majority depending on Green allies and hard leftists, according to polls. REUTERS photo

France is heading to the first round of its parliamentary elections on June 10, with Socialist President François Hollande expected to win a narrow but workable majority depending on Green allies and hard leftists, according to polls.

Surveys point to Hollande’s Socialist Party falling just short of the 289 seats it needs for a majority in the 577-seat National Assembly, the lower house. Potential allies could win as many as 40 seats. Results could translate into between 292 and 346 seats for the left and between 231 and 285 seats for the right, giving the left control of the lower house for the first time in a decade, after it won control of the Senate last year.

Pirates sets to sail

For the first time in its short history, France’s Pirate Party (PP), who champion internet freedom, will present candidates in the coming parliamentary elections, even if it sees little chance of repeating the success of its German counterparts. Established in 2009, the 500-member strong French PP is presenting 101 candidates in the first round of the election on June 10. Voters will go through to the June 17 second round.