Founding member Koray Aydın resigns from İYİ Party

Founding member Koray Aydın resigns from İYİ Party


The İYİ (Good) Party faces another blow as founding member Koray Aydın announced his resignation on June 27 following the recent electoral setback.

Aydın, a key deputy within the party, revealed his decision in a social media post, citing dissatisfaction with the leadership of former party head Meral Akşener.

"This whole process of meltdown and decline in the İYİ Party took place under the direction and management of Ms. Akşener herself," Aydın stated in his resignation text.

The MP referred to a meeting with President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan shortly after Akşener relinquished leadership – a moment he described as "the last straw."

Aydın declared his intention to continue his political career as an independent.

The İYİ Party, which secured 44 parliamentary seats in the previous elections, has seen its presence diminish to just 34 seats amidst ongoing resignations.

The party's electoral performance suffered a sharp decline from 7.3 percent to 3.77 percent in the latest polls, prompting Akşener to announce she would not seek reelection.

Subsequently, Müsavat Dervişoğlu was elected as the party's new head during a congress on April 27, where Aydın was also a candidate for leadership.