Former ÖYM case files moved to other courts

Former ÖYM case files moved to other courts


Two trucks of files have been moved to the Bakırköy Courthouse from Çağlayan Courthouse following the abolition of the Specially Authorized Courts (ÖYM).

Two trucks of files have been moved to the Bakırköy Courthouse following the recent abolition of the Specially Authorized Courts (ÖYM).

Earlier this month, President Abdullah Gül approved a bill nixing the controversial ÖYMs and the cases that were being seen in these courts are now in the process of being moved to other courts in Istanbul.

Yesterday, two trucks of files were moved from the Istanbul Courthouse in Çağlayan to the Bakırköy Courthouse.

The ÖYMs were discontinued by Parliament in 2012, but a provisionary article allowed courts to finalize pending coup plot cases, including the Ergenekon, “Balyoz” (Sledgehammer), OdaTV and Poyrazköy cases. From now on, the eight ÖYMs that convicted soldiers in mass trials in 2012 and 2013 will be abolished and their case files will be passed on to regular criminal courts.

Last month, Parliament approved a “democratization package” that abolished the notorious ÖYMs following a marathon session. On March 6, President Gül approved the bill, which abolished the ÖYMs and other special courts authorized by anti-terror laws, while also reducing the upper limit of lengthy detentions to five years.

The move has widely been considered as part of the government’s battle against followers of U.S.-based Islamic scholar Fethullah Gülen, many of whom have been employed in the judicial and security bureaus.

The law came just a few days after the eventful voting session on the bill restructuring the Supreme Board of Judges and Prosecutors (HSYK), which increased the government’s control over the judicial body and gave it a key role in appointments.