Foreign troops at İncirlik base warned about sheep on streets before Eid al-Adha

Foreign troops at İncirlik base warned about sheep on streets before Eid al-Adha


DHA Photo

A statement released on İncirlik airbase’s official website in the southern province of Adana told foreign soldiers to expect sheep on the streets as Eid al-Adha begins on Oct. 4.

“Ask Mehmet,” a page prepared as a forum on the website, shared the statement, informing soldiers about Eid al-Adha and explaining why and how Muslims celebrate the holy days.

It detailed that people still sacrifice animals on the streets, despite the government’s ban on killing animals in public and in unhealthy environments.

“Almost every city designates a central location with professional butchers to conduct the butchering for believers. However, many people still follow the traditional way and kill their animals at other locations,” the statement said.

“If you see herds of sheep in the streets of İncirlik village and Adana, don’t get worried. It is a sign that the Muslim world is preparing to celebrate Eid al-Adha, or the Feast of Sacrifice, which falls on the 10th day of the last month of the Islamic calendar,” it read.

The end of the statement instructed soldiers how to congratulate their Muslim friends in Turkish. 

“Bayraminiz Kutlu Olsun (Buy-rahm-ihn-is Koot-lou all-soon) or iyi Bayramlar (ee buy-rahm-luhr) are the phrases you should use to wish your Muslim friends a good sacrifice festival,” it explained.