FM Davutoglu says Turkey eager to enchance cooperation with Russia

FM Davutoglu says Turkey eager to enchance cooperation with Russia

Hurriyet Daily News with wires
  • Russia offers Turkey a role in South Stream

    Davutoglu told reporters after his meeting with Russia’s Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov that Ankara would continue discussing every issue, including energy projects, with Moscow within the framework of the idea of cooperation, when asked about Russian offer to Turkey to participate in South Stream gas pipeline project.

    Lavrov said that "if Turkey wants, and an economic agreement is reached, Russia would accept their participation in the project in every facet," broadcaster CNN reported.  

    He told reporters before the meeting that Turkish and Russian parties would exchange views on new goals and the dialogue within the scope of the political declaration which was signed during President Abdullah Gul's visit to Russia on Feb. 13, 2009.

    On Wednesday, Deputy Prime Minister Igor Sechin, Russia's top energy official, told Turkish Energy Minister Taner Yildiz during their meeting that Turkey is welcome to participate in the South Stream project, which aims to transport Russian gas under the Black Sea through Eastern Europe to Austria and Italy. 


    Sechin did not give details of what specific role Turkey could play in the planned South Stream pipeline, which in its current form does not cross Turkish territory.


    Turkey is a crucial partner in the Nabucco project, which Europe is counting on to ease its energy dependence on Russia.