Flamingos flock to Lake Tuz, signaling spring's arrival

Flamingos flock to Lake Tuz, signaling spring's arrival

Flamingos flock to Lake Tuz, signaling springs arrivalFlamingos flock to Lake Tuz, signaling springs arrival

Flamingos, the heralds of spring, have started to arrive at Lake Tuz to nest in the central provinces of Aksaray, Konya, and Ankara, where they go for their annual breeding season. This year's arrival of the iconic pink birds marks the anticipation of warmer seasons ahead.

Lake Tuz, the second-largest lake in Türkiye, typically hosts thousands of flamingos during the spring and summer months for nesting before they migrate to warmer countries toward the autumn months. Fahri Tunç, the President of the Bird's Eye View of Nature and Ecology Association, noted the swift adaptation of the flamingos to the region, stating, "We had a winter below seasonal norms in Türkiye. The incoming flamingos have adapted very quickly. Perhaps this year, the nesting period will be earlier."

Tunç emphasized the continuous observation of flamingos, saying, "When we came to check the flamingos, we observed them in the mating pool. Mating periods have begun. Once mating is over here, they will transition to the nesting period around April. After this, all the flamingos in the lake will be male flamingos. They will raise their chicks until May, in the area we call our 'nursery,' until the chicks are ready to fly."

Highlighting a significant increase in the flamingo population around Lake Tuz this year, Tunç expressed intentions to conduct aerial surveys in June to assess breeding success and the number of fledglings.

Tunç also raised concerns about illegal hunting activities in the Lake Tuz basin, emphasizing the need for collaborative efforts with law enforcement and public awareness to protect the flamingos during their nesting period.

Looking ahead, Tunç expressed plans for collaborative initiatives with universities in Aksaray, Ankara, and Konya to ensure the well-being of the flamingos during their stay.

Recognized as a symbol of spring in Anatolia, flamingos, locally known as "allı turna," evoke joy among locals as they grace the skies of Anatolia and Lake Tuz, signifying the arrival of warmer weather.