First joint exams held for 6th, 9th graders across Türkiye

The second written exam of the first semester in the 2023-2024 academic year will take place as a joint exam in mathematics and Turkish language and literature for sixth and ninth graders across Türkiye on Dec. 26-27 for the first time.
Depending on the outcome and success of the pilot test, the National Education Ministry will apply the practice to other subjects.
According to the guide published by the Education Ministry, the exams will be held simultaneously across the country. Students will be allotted 40 minutes for each course and asked multiple-choice questions where only the correct answers will be scored.
Evaluating the joint exam, educator Onur Soğuk said: "We criticize university exams as a single exam should not form the basis to determine the fate of students. If this practice works and there are no questions in terms of measurement and evaluation, the results from these exams could be entered into the system regularly for admission into universities."