First awards of the Golden Boll presented
ADANA - Doğan News Agency

The Lifetime Achievement Awards of the 20th Golden Boll Film Festival were presented to veteran figures of Turkish cinema at a ceremony. AA photo
The first awards of the 20th Adana Golden Boll Film Festival festival were announced Sept. 20. A total of 10 films were awarded in the National Students’ Films Competition and the International Mediterranean Countries Short Film Competition. At a ceremony held at the Hilton Hotel, National Students’ Films Competition jury member Yekta Kopan announced the award winning films. According to the evaluation of the competition jury, the best fiction film award went to a film shot by 9 Eylül University students Eren Çukurluöz and Umut Subaşı, “Eksik” (Missing).The best documentary award went to “Meğer” (Apparently) by Uğur Egemen of Anadolu University, while Güven Şahitkanat’s “Leke” (Spot), from the same university, won the best animation film award. Marmara University student Musab Tekin’s “Ayakkabı” (Shoes) won the best experimental film award at the festival. The Documentary Jury Special Award went to Emrah Kılıç’s “Gecekondu Mahallesi” (Shanty Town).
The directors of the winning films each won 7,500 Turkish Liras. In the International Mediterranean Countries Short Film Competition, jury members presented Croatian Igor Mirkoviç’s film “Little Darling” with the best fiction film award. In addition, Spaniard Adrian Orr’s “Good Morning Resistance” won the best documentary award; Turk Ayce Kartal’s “Tornistan” won the best animation film award; Frenchman Steven Brian’s “Shupno” won the best experimental film award. The Jury Special Award of the competition went to Turkey’s Onur Gürler for his “Boşluk” (Vacancy). Each winner won a 10,000 lira award.
Lifetime Achievement Awards
In the meantime, the Lifetime Achievement award was also presented on Sept. 19 at a ceremony.
Artists Çolpan İlhan, İzzet Günay, Demir Görgün and producer Necip Sarıcı all received the traditional award of the festival this year from Adana Depty Mayor Zihni Aldırmaz, the Republican People Party (CHP) deputies Faruk Loğoğlu and Ümüt Özgümüş.