Films on sustainable living available online

Films on sustainable living available online


The Sustainable Living Film Festival (SLFF) will be held online from Dec. 1 to 5.

The SLFF2021 selection includes examples of change at various scales from society to industry, from community to family and the individual. The ongoing transformation is told through the documentaries displaying serenity within chaos, hope within crisis, adaptation to complexity and the transformation of despair to strength.

The selection gathers inspirational stories from across the world with four prominent themes: System Change, Changing the World through Work, For Climate and Thinking of Water.

There are films investigating different aspects of the climate crisis, highlighting different initiatives in the Mediterranean region about pollution, artificial reefs, fishing and eco-tourism.

The festival hosts independent side events after every screening, related to the themes of the documentaries.

All screenings are free of charge, and registration is at