Fidan reaffirms Türkiye, Azerbaijan strong ties as 'one nation, two states'

Fidan reaffirms Türkiye, Azerbaijan strong ties as 'one nation, two states'


Türkiye’s Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan emphasized the enduring bond between Türkiye and Azerbaijan on Tuesday, stating that both nations will continue to support each other “in both good and bad times.”

At a joint news conference with Azerbaijani Foreign Minister Jeyhun Bayramov in Ankara, Fidan highlighted the unique fraternal relationship between the two countries, underscored by their motto of "one nation, two states."

Fidan remarked that the relationship is built on shared history, culture, language, and identity, creating a unique bond between the two countries.

"In line with this understanding, Türkiye unwaveringly stood by its brother Azerbaijan during the unjust occupation of Karabakh for over 30 years and will continue to stand firmly by its side," he said.

The ministers noted ongoing efforts to enhance Ankara-Baku relations, which were elevated to an alliance through the Shusha Declaration signed by Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan and Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev on June 15, 2021. 

“We comprehensively discussed the relations between our brother countries and exchanged detailed views today in our meeting. We are pleased with the progress of our economic relations. As we advance our cooperation in the energy sector, we are working based on common interests and a holistic strategy,” Fidan added.

South Caucasus, Peace Talks, and Turkic States

During the meeting, both sides reiterated their commitment to establishing lasting peace and stability in the South Caucasus. They evaluated developments in the ongoing peace process between Azerbaijan and Armenia.

Azerbaijan and Armenia have launched talks for a permanent peace agreement after the 2020 Nagorno-Karabakh war where the former could liberate its lands from the 30-year-long occupation of Yerevan, with calls for finalization and treaty signing.

Türkiye and Armenia are also in talks for the establishment of diplomatic relations and opening the sealed border. Ankara says it will act simultaneously with Azerbaijan in normalizing ties with Armenia.

Furthermore, they exchanged views on strengthening the Organization of Turkic States, as well as on regional connectivity, logistics routes, and related issues.

 "I believe that in the upcoming period, we will continue to work closely for the benefit of both countries and the friendship and brotherhood between them. Türkiye-Azerbaijan brotherhood will continue to contribute to regional peace and stability," Fidan stated.

The discussion also addressed Israel's ongoing attacks in Gaza. Fidan thanked Bayramov for his visit to Ankara and expressed intentions to visit Azerbaijan again at the earliest opportunity.