FETÖ ringleader’s nephew avows himself

FETÖ ringleader’s nephew avows himself

FETÖ ringleader’s nephew avows himselfFETÖ ringleader’s nephew avows himself

FETÖ ringleader Fetullah Gülen’s nephew Selahaddin Gülen, who was nabbed in Kenya and brought back to Turkey with an operation conducted by the Turkish intelligence agency, has said he wants to get the benefit from the effective repentance provisions in the law.

Selahaddin Gülen said in his statement at the Ankara Chief Public Prosecutor’s Office that he was the nephew of FETÖ ringleader Fetullah Gülen and that he had been in the organization since the day he was born.

Giving a confessional statement to officials, Selahaddin Gülen disclosed the names of dozens of “covert imams” related to the terror group, their duties in the organization and their actions in full detail.

Drawing the scheme of the “covert structure” of the terror group, Selahaddin Gülen said that he attended the family meetings of the organization and that the words of the ringleader were conveyed at these meetings.

Gülen said that these meetings were organized to recruit members to FETÖ.

He also added that the “covert structure” made contacts with cadets through payphones and that these students were later interviewed at predetermined houses.

Noting that he was a “covert imam” to a cadet studying at Kuleli Military High School during his university education, Gülen stated that he used to meet with cadets once a month in Istanbul.