Felicity Party head says he wants to talk to former President Gül about elections

Felicity Party head says he wants to talk to former President Gül about elections


Felicity Party (SP) leader Temel Karamollaoğlu said on April 18 that his party wanted to hold a meeting with Abdullah Gül, who served as president from 2007 to 2014, if the “opportunity” rises.

The SP had previously hinted that there was a “possibility” of them nominating Gül as their presidential candidate in the upcoming elections.

When asked by journalists if they were holding meetings with other parties for alliances, Karamollaoğlu said: “We are open to dialogues. We’ll meet with everyone. We’ll also meet parties that are opposition. We’ll meet with Mr. Abdullah Gül when there is a chance. We are meeting with many other people. If there is anyone who wants to convey their ideas or thoughts to us, we will also conduct meetings with them.”

Asked about calls for early elections, Karamollaoğlu said although it took many by surprise, it did not surprise them or alarm them in anyway.

Karamollaoğlu said they were preparing for the elections “as though they will take place tomorrow,” stressing that Turkey needs a change.