Family awaits return of son abducted by PKK

Family awaits return of son abducted by PKK

AYDIN – Doğan News Agency

The parents of Nadir Özgen. DHA photo

Family of police officer Nadir Özgen, abducted by the outlawed Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) militants in 2011, are longing for the day their son will be released.

“We hope that an agreement can be reached so that nobody’s son will be harmed,” said his father, Hidayet Özgen.

Özgen, 30, was abducted by PKK militants on Sept. 9, 2011 in the Çatak district of the eastern province of Van.

His father said he is hopeful that the family will be reunited with him by March 7 or 8.

On March 2, Peace and Democracy Party (BDP) co-chair Gültan Kışanak said that the captives abducted by the PKK could be freed within the next 10 days. The imprisoned leader of the PKK, Abdullah Öcalan, has called on the PKK to “treat their prisoners well” and suggested an eventual release. “I hope [the captives] will rejoin their families,” he said, after the visit of a delegation of BDP deputies to İmralı island prison.

“With the recent developments, we are hoping for an end to our nervous wait, which has lasted 18 months,” he said.

He said they are sending their thoughts to the families of other state personnel abducted by the PKK. After seeing a picture of their son recently released by the Fırat news agency, known for its close ties with the PKK, Hidayet Özgen said he was filled with happiness, despite noticing his son’s thinner appearance.

“We hope that nothing will go wrong after all these positive developments, so that we will not be disappointed,” Hidayet Özgen said. The victim’s mother, Müşerref Özgen, said that she is longing for the day her son will return to Turkey and that she is dreaming of him at home.

According to a list given by the families of the captives to the main opposition Republican People’s Party (CHP), there are 16 captives currently being held by the PKK, including prospective Kulp district governor Kenan Erenoğlu, Özgen, and Specialists Sgts. Kemal Ekinci and Zihni Koç and Sgt. Abdullah Söpçeler.