Exports to be labeled ‘Made in Türkiye’

Exports to be labeled ‘Made in Türkiye’

Exports to be labeled ‘Made in Türkiye’Exports to be labeled ‘Made in Türkiye’

Goods produced in Turkey will be labeled “Made in Türkiye” and local institutions will use “Türkiye” as the country’s name in all sorts of official correspondence and activities, according to a presidential decree.

“The word Türkiye represents and expresses the culture, civilization and values of the Turkish nation in the bestway,” read the decree signed by President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan and published in the Official Gazette.

“From now on, it is aimed to represent the thousands of years of experience of our state and nation in every field under the brand of ‘Türkiye,’”it added.

“In this context, within the scope of strengthening the ‘Türkiye’ brand, in all kinds of activities and correspondence, especially in official relations with other states and international institutions and organizations, necessary sensitivity will be shown on the use of the phrase ‘Türkiye’ instead of phrases such as ‘Turkey,’ ‘Turkei,’ ‘Turquie’ etc.”

In January 2000, the Turkish Exporters’ Assembly (TİM) had announced that they would use labels “Made in Türkiye” instead of “Made in Turkey” on products shipped abroad. However, that was not an obligatory decision.

TİM also established a “branding council” to promote the new label.