Expert suggests planting Carob trees to curb wildfires

Expert suggests planting Carob trees to curb wildfires


An expert has suggested planting carob trees, known for their incredible resistance to fire, along forest borders to stop wildfires from spreading to larger areas.

In the workshop held with international participation in cooperation with the Antalya Commodity Exchange (ATB), agricultural commission and universities, the fire-resistance property of carob trees was discussed due to the damage wildfires have caused, especially in the Mediterranean region in recent years.

Horticulture expert Professor Dr. Hamide Gübbük stated that they conducted a study in the Manavgat Taşağıl forest, which was reduced to ashes during a wildfire two years ago and where they planted carob trees later along the borders of the forest.

“These trees prevent the fire from spreading from one point to another. It would be advantageous to plant these trees between pines,” she said.

Although both foresters and farmers show interest in carob tree, the species is still underrated, and it is vital that these trees are planted around places with drought problems, Gübbük stated.

The professor noted that Türkiye is very rich in carob trees and that these trees have a wide range of uses from industry to medicine, petrochemistry and paper industry, adding that as carobs bloom in August, they are also quite beneficial for beekeeping activities.

In some regions, old trees are cut down and carob is grafted onto the shoots, thus unproductive areas are restored in a short time, the professor added.

Gökhan Karaca, Antalya provincial director of Agriculture and Forestry, stated that Türkiye is the second largest carob producer in the world after Morocco, and almost all of the carob production is being carried out in the Mediterranean region.