European facility management body to meet in Istanbul

The European Facility Management Association (EuroFM), the umbrella body of hundreds of facility management corporates across the European continent, which makes it the second largest business sector, will hold one of the most important events in Türkiye to honor the host country’s 100th anniversary.
The EuroFM Facility Management Conference and EuroFM Research Symposium will be organized by the Istanbul-based Facility Management Association (TRFMA) on Nov. 9 and 11. It will bring together practitioners, educators, and researchers in the field of facility management and facilitate the sharing of facility management knowledge.
The EuroFM has decided Istanbul as the venue of this year’s conference on the grounds that Türkiye is celebrating the centennial of its foundation.
The theme of the conference will be “Shaping the next generation of Facility Management” with a focus on digitalization, circularity and campus management. TRFMA Chair Erhan Demirtaş, EuroFM Chair Natalie Hofman, Istanbul Chamber of Commerce Board Chair Şekip Avdagiç and Federation of the Facility Management and Suppliers Chair İbrahim Bozan will welcome the participants in the first session of the conference.
Professor Cem Kılıç will speak about the global labor market and facility management as the keynote speaker.
The conference will highlight the Turkish facility management market and share the latest trends and developments. Eşref Hamamcıoğlu, Cavit Habib and İlhan Altun will discuss the specifics of the Turkish market in a session to be moderated by Demirtaş.
Other sessions of the conference will look into the impact of digitization and technology in the decision-making processes in the context of facility management and the value of facility management education in the world and in Türkiye.
The participants will also find an opportunity to discover Istanbul’s historical and cultural sites in tours to the Hagia Sofia, Basilica Cistern and other venues.