EU Committee approves opening new chapter, Fule announces via Twitter

EU Committee approves opening new chapter, Fule announces via Twitter

BRUSSELS – Anatolia News Agency

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European Commissioner Stefan Füle announced Feb. 27 via his Twitter account that the EU Committee of Permanent Representatives (Coreper) has agreed to open Chapter 22 as part of Turkey’s accession negotiations. “Turkey one step closer to opening a new chapter in accession talks,” Fule wrote on Twitter.

The chapter, which focuses on “Regional Policy and Coordination of Structural Instruments,” will be the first one opened in the last two-and-a-half years. After Coreper’s approval, the EU council will make the final decision regarding the move. If approved, the number of opened chapter will rise to 14 out of 35.

France had announced Feb. 12 that it would assist Turkey in opening one of the five chapters once blocked by Paris for Ankara’s long-stalled EU membership talks. German Chancellor Angela Merkel had also said she was in favor of such a move before embarking on her recent visit to Turkey.