Erdoğan shares 'boycott' video in support of Palestinian people

Erdoğan shares 'boycott' video in support of Palestinian people


President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan reaffirmed Türkiye's unwavering support for Gaza with an AI-created video he shared, pledging to stand by its people through all available means and to back their "honorable resistance."

Erdoğan shared a "boycott"-themed video created with artificial intelligence by the AK Party on his social media account, supporting the Palestinian people.

"Boycott gives us strength to rise. Like Moses, we defy the lies. Say 'no', take a stand so grant, boycott makes us hold our land," the video said.

The video, depicting scenes of marches supporting Palestine, boycott initiatives, and Israeli bombings in Gaza, quickly garnered widespread attention and numerous likes.

"We stand by Gaza and our Palestinian brothers and sisters with our voice, our words, our prayers, our humanitarian aid, and all the means at our disposal,” Erdoğan stated while sharing the video.

“We will always continue to support their noble and honorable resistance,” he added.

Communications Director Fahrettin Altun also shared the video, emphasizing the need for concrete actions to halt Israel’s “lawlessness.”

“As Türkiye, we will continue to work toward defending the rights of our Palestinian siblings, stand by them in all fields, put an end to Israel’s rampant lawless attitude, and take all steps necessary,” Altun said, committing Ankara's efforts until Palestine achieves its freedom.