Erdoğan gives 2016 Science Awards

Erdoğan gives 2016 Science Awards


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Turkey will continue to support scientists and scientific studies with incentives and state protections, President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan said at the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey’s (TÜBİTAK) 2016 Scientific Awards on Dec. 29. 

“Since the day I have been elected as the prime minister and my time as president, I have always supported scientists and scientific studies, and I will continue to do so. I will continue being supportive to you with individual incentives or with projects that I have taken protection of,” he said. 

“We cannot overcome the crisis that we are in and look at our future with confidence without the guidance, productivity, horizon and diligence of yours. The success that you will bring forth in social, engineering, health and basic sciences will lead us, the politicians and executives of this country, to work more and rightfully,” he added.

“TÜBİTAK should be a pioneer in this matter by playing a bridging role between our scientists and the country’s administrators,” he said.

Prize winners receive award from Erdoğan

The TÜBİTAK Scientific Committee have presented three science awards, one special award and four encouragement awards to achievements attained in 2016.

Professor Dr. Oğuz Gülseren was awarded in Basic Sciences, Associate Professor Dr. Erkan Yüce was awarded in Engineering Sciences and Professor Dr. Metin Heper was awarded in Social Sciences.

The special award was given to Professor Dr. Kemal Kazan, while the encouragement awards were given to Associate Professor Dr. Emre Onur Kahya and Dr. Adem Tekin in basic sciences, Associate Professor Dr. Serdar Durdağı in medical sciences and Associate Professor İlke Öztekin Gillam in social sciences.