EndoBridge celebrates fifth year in Turkey

EndoBridge celebrates fifth year in Turkey


The fifth annual EndoBridge meeting, co-hosted by the Society of Endocrinology and Metabolism of Turkey, the Endocrine Society and the European Society of Endocrinology, came to an end in Turkey’s Mediterranean province of Antalya on Oct. 22.

The meeting took place from Oct. 19-22 and covered a comprehensive update of recent advances in the full spectrum of endocrinology, including diabetes and lipid disorders. The program involved state-of-the-art lectures delivered by world-renowned faculty as well as interactive case discussion sessions.

EndoBridge Founding President Prof. Dr. Okan Bülent Yıldız stated that the 2017 annual meeting of this project, which has led the way worldwide in the field of endocrinology brought together 473 participants from 39 countries and reached the highest number of foreign delegates and highest number of countries this year.

One of the important topics discussed in the EndoBridge 2017 annual meeting was diabetes.

Stating that 415 million diabetic individuals live all over the world and that this figure is expected to rise up to 642 million in the year 2040, Prof. Dr. Okan Bülent Yıldız indicated that in Turkey, diabetes is seen in one out of seven people and pre-diabetes is seen in one out of three people.

“In Turkey, the rates of diabetes and pre-diabetes are higher in women than in men by 8 percent and 26 percent respectively. Nearly half of diabetic women are not aware of their disease,” he said during the conference.