Edward de Bono honors summit

He conducted his undergraduate studies at the Royal University of Malta, Attaining a B.Sc. in Medicine in 1953. He completed his M.D. in 1955. He won the prestigious Rhodes Scholarship in 1955, the scholarship helps promising students from nations around the world to study at Oxford. Other famous recipients of the scholarship are former U.S. President Bill Clinton in 1968, famous astronomer Edwin Hubble in 1910, the musician and actor Kris Kristofferson his 1958 and Terrence Malik the director of “The Thin Red Line,” in 1966.
While studying at Oxford University, Edward was awarded an M.A. in psychology and physiology in 1957, and a D.Phil. in 1961. In 1961 Edward moved to London to work as a lecturer for the University of London for two years. In 1963, he joined Cambridge University and he gained a Ph.D. in medicine during his time here from Trinity College. He also held faculty appointments as assistant director of research for a time, while lecturing in medicine. In ‘76 Dr. de Bono returned to London to work as a research associate and honorary registrar at the St. Thomas Hospital Medical School within the University of London;
One of his works published in 1982, titled “De Bono’s Course in Thinking” was also made into a television show that was aired on BBC.
In 1985, Edward de Bono authored ‘Six Thinking Hats,” a publication that provides the readers with effective tools for group discussion and individual thinking. “Textbook of Wisdom” (1996), “How to Be More Interesting” (1998), “Simplicity” (1999), “New Thinking for the New Millennium” (1999), “Why I Want To Be King of Australia” (1999), “How to Have A Beautiful Mind” (2004), “Six Value Medals” (2005), “H+ (Plus): A New Religion” (2006), are among other wellknown works. In 1996 the de Bono Institute was established in Australia. In 1999, working with his brother Peter de Bono he developed the first de Bono online training course. In 2002, he was named as one of Accentures Top 50 living business gurus by the Accenture’s
Institute for Strategic Change. In 2005, he was nominated for the Nobel Prize in Economics. Dr. de Bono was one of 27 Ambassadors for Creativity and Innovation of the European Union. De Bono Global (DBG) was appointed in October 2011 as the worldwide manager of the intellectual property associated with Dr de Bono’s work, including copyrights and trademarks.