Education, R&D top need, Faralyalı says

Education, R&D top need, Faralyalı says

BURSA - Hurriyet Daily News
Turkey needs to invest more in research and development to boost its competitiveness in global markets, the top executive of Doğan Holding said at the first Uludağ Economy Summit.

“Turkey should invest more in research and development and education, in order to increase its competitiveness,” said Begümhan Doğan Faralyalı, chairwoman of Doğan Holding. 

“Often Turkey is compared with South Korea, where 60 percent of exports are products manufactured through research and development,” she said, noting the rate is only 20 percent in Turkey. She also said Turkey invests only 2.5 percent of its national income in education, and this should be increased to 5 percent if Turkey aims to become one of the world’s top ten economies.