Education of music feeds brain

Education of music feeds brain

Music has a remarkable ability to affect and manipulate how people feel, according to a recent report in Scientific American magazine. Simply listening to songs we like stimulates the brain’s reward system, creating feelings of pleasure and comfort. But music goes beyond our hearts to our minds, shaping how we think. Scientific evidence suggests that even a little musical training when we’re young can shape how brains develop, improving the ability to differentiate sounds and speech, reported the magazine.

With education funding constantly on the rocks and tough economic times tightening many parents’ budgets, students often end up with only a few years of music education. Studies to date have focused on the neurological benefits of sustained music training, and found many upsides. For example, researchers have found that musicians are better able to process foreign languages because of their ability to hear differences in pitch, and have incredible abilities to detect speech in noise.

According to the recent report of Scientific American magazine, the answer from a study just published in the Journal of Neuroscience is a resounding yes.