Economic board discusses climate crisis measures

Economic board discusses climate crisis measures


The impact of climate change on sustainable agriculture in Türkiye was on the agenda of the latest meeting of the Economic Coordination Board (EKK).

“Considering the effects of climate change, the studies on meeting the energy needs of irrigation facilities from solar power plants to be established in the reservoirs of dams and ponds that do not serve as drinking water, in order to ensure sustainability in agricultural production, have been discussed,” the EKK said in a written statement following its sixth meeting of the year on July 23, adding that the investments needed in the upcoming period regarding sustainable agriculture were also discussed.

The board also said that the progress of the structural reforms envisaged in the 2024-2026 Middle Term Program (MTP) and the process of preparing the 2025-2027 MTP were assessed.

"With the MTP, our key policy priorities will be maintained, macroeconomic indicators and our structural reform agenda will be reviewed with a participatory approach in the context of the latest developments," the statement read.

“The MTP, which we plan to publish in September, will maintain our key policy priorities and review macroeconomic indicators and our structural reform agenda with a participatory approach in line with the latest developments.”

The board also discussed the situation of vocational training in the country.

“The Provincial Employment and Vocational Training Councils, established to strengthen the education-employment-production relationship and to identify and provide the qualified employment needed by the labor market, were discussed,” the board said, adding that the studies carried out to increase the functionality and effectiveness of the councils were evaluated.