Doves build nest on printer in Bursa mayor’s Office

Doves build nest on printer in Bursa mayor’s Office


A family of doves have built a nest on a printer in the office of a mayor in the northwestern Turkish province of Bursa.

Mustafa Dündar, the mayor of Bursa’s Osmangazi district, found the nest on the printer in his office after he entered his office one morning two weeks ago.

A few days after, a female dove laid eggs in the nest and started to sit on them.

Dündar said he was paying special efforts to not disturb them ever since he noticed the nest.

“Visitors often think the dove is a decoration at first sight. But then they realize that the bird is real. As a municipality we serve the city with all living things,” he added.

In consideration of the doves, the windows of the office are kept open all day and municipality personnel never turn on the printer.