Donkey tied to rails escapes dramatic death by three meters in Turkey

Donkey tied to rails escapes dramatic death by three meters in Turkey

NİGDE – Doğan News Agency

DHA Photo

A donkey tied to a railway track in the Ulukışla district of the Central Anatolian province of Niğde narrowly escaped a tragic death on Nov. 17, when the operator of a running freight train noticed it at the last minute and managed to stop the train with only three meters to spare before hitting the animal.

Operator Veli Şener, unaware that the donkey was tied to the rail, first tried to scare away the unlucky animal with the train’s whistle, but then hit the brakes and managed to stop just before it.

After stopping the train, Şener freed the animal, cutting the ropes on its legs.

“What kind of pleasure would the people who did this find in giving this animal such a death? Don’t they have a conscience? Damn them,” he said, speaking to Doğan News Agency.

Şener added that it was fortunate that no carriages were attached to the locomotive, otherwise it would have been impossible to stop in time.

An investigation has been opened, but as yet there are no suspects in the case.