Disabled refugee child gathers paper on street in Turkey’s south for family in Syria

Disabled refugee child gathers paper on street in Turkey’s south for family in Syria


DHA photo

A disabled 13-year-old Syrian child has been gathering paper on the streets in the southern Turkish province of Antalya in order to provide for his family back in war-torn Syria. 

Ali İsdfarec, who lost his leg after being hit by a bomb dropped from a plane while playing in a street in Syria’s Deir ez-Zor, gathers paper for sale with his older brother, Doğan News Agency reported. 

İsdfarec’s parents sent him and his 17-year-old brother to Turkey for their safety, and they entered the country through the Cilvegözü border gate in the southern province of Hatay.

The two brothers told the Doğan News Agency that they then moved to Antalya, where they have relatives, and started living in a shanty house in the Yeşildere neighborhood along with 15 other Syrian refugees. 

Today, the two brothers set out early every day to collect waste paper in a large cart, planning to send the small amount of money they earn from selling the paper back to their family in Syria.