Deputy shatters glass, hurles shards at AKP members

Deputy shatters glass, hurles shards at AKP members

ANKARA - Hürriyet
A quarrel broke out between the deputy chairmen of the Peace and Democracy Party (BDP) and Justice and Development Party (AKP) during discussions of a law that regulates punishments for violence in sports, publicly known as the "match-fixing law."
BDP Group Deputy Chairman Hasip Kaplan said AKP Group Deputy Chairman Nurettin Canikli's name was in the indictment of match fixing claims. 
Canikli said the indictment did not accuse him and asked Kaplan to clarify his claims and said he was a "terrorist of law."
Kaplan then took to the rostrum to answer Canikli, during which AKP deputies interrupted his speech. 
Kaplan took the water glass on the speech podium and smashed it in a fit of anger, then picked up shards of broken glass and hurled them at AKP deputies. 
Pieces of broken glass landed near Parliament stenographs as well as AKP deputies. BDP deputy Sırrı Süreya Önder immediately rushed to Kaplan's side to calm him down while some AKP deputies came at Kaplan. Kaplan was persuaded to leave the assembly while the session was called to recess.