Deputy Russia FM: Western Mideast policies ‘short-sighted’

Deputy Russia FM: Western Mideast policies ‘short-sighted’

SOUTHERN SHUNEH, Jordan - The Associated Press


A deputy Russian foreign minister says external players cannot solve the Syria crisis and that “short-sighted’” Western policies in the Middle East have helped destabilize countries such as Syria, Iraq and Libya.

Vasily Nebenzya spoke May 22 at a regional World Economic Forum conference.

Nebenzya said Syrian President Bashar Assad has made mistakes, but is “being supported by a portion of the population.”

The Russian diplomat says “it is difficult to imagine how the sides [in Syria] can talk these days,” but that any solution is up to Syrians.

In a reference to Western powers, he said external players involved in regional conflicts lack a clear strategy. He said he’s been “puzzled by the short-sightedness.”