Deputy PM praises economy journalists

Deputy PM praises economy journalists

ISTANBUL - Hürriyet Daily News

Deputy Prime Minister Ali Babacan says that the quality of Turkish journalists’ economic reporting has risen substantially especially in terms of accuracy. AA photo

Turkish economy and business reporters came together at a cocktail party and an awards ceremony late June 13. Prominent figures from Turkish political and business sectors were in attendance to deliver prizes to the country’s economy reporters.

“Turkey’s self esteem has been reflected in economy reporters,” Deputy Prime Minister Ali Babacan said in his speech at the event, adding that the quality of comments and reviews has risen considerably.

Economy pages, magazines, economy TV channels and internet media have made great progress, he said. More accurate news is presented to the public and business world faster than it used to be, he added.

“It is very important to inform the public and business world about [problems, adversities regarding the economy] in a healthy and balanced manner and issue timely warnings,” he said.

The Turkish Industrialists’ and Businessmen Association (TÜSİAD) President Ümit Boyner, the Istanbul Stock Exchange (İMKB) President İbrahim Turhan, the Capital Markets Board (SPK) President Vedat Akgiray were also in attendance.

“Free and independent press is a must for Turkey,” Boyner said, noting that the press is a very significant force for democracy in any country.