Dark Dark Dark, indie folk band performs at Salon

Dark Dark Dark, indie folk band performs at Salon

ISTANBUL - Hürriyet Daily News
Dark Dark Dark, indie folk band performs at SalonDark Dark Dark, indie folk band performs at Salon Dark Dark Dark, an American indie folk band, has toured extensively in the United States and Europe, playing to sold-out shows, staging national radio appearances and supporting bands like The National and Low. “Who Needs Who,” the new album by Dark Dark Dark, is a stirring and rich body of songs that sees the band breaking new ground and settling into the strengths of a quintet. The first single, “Tell Me,” finds Dark Dark Dark setting a new tone for avant-garde pop. The beat is up, the drums and bass propel the song and singer Nona Marie Invie’s voice soars between impassioned yearning and a resigned, empowered hope that reveals wisdom.

Address: Nejat Eczacıbaşı, Sadi Konuralp Caddesi No.5