Culture Ministry to organize summer concerts

Culture Ministry to organize summer concerts

Culture Ministry to organize summer concertsCulture Ministry to organize summer concerts

The Culture and Tourism Ministry has launched a project to hold concerts during the summer after almost over a year of a shutdown of the entertainments sector.

The project called 2021 Summer Concerts will be organized in June, July and August both in the physical and digital environments under safe circumstances. Within the scope of the project, choirs, ensembles and orchestras will give some 130 concerts in different cities, ancient cities and museums during the summer months.

The Presidential Symphony Orchestra (CSO), State Polyphonic Choir, Ankara State Turkish Folk Music Choir, Ankara State Classical Turkish Music Chorus, Istanbul State Modern Folk Music Ensemble, Istanbul State Turkish Folk Music Choir, Antalya State Symphony Orchestra, İzmir State Symphony Orchestra, Bursa State Classical Turkish Music Chorus, Çukurova State Symphony Orchestra, Diyarbakır State Classical Turkish Music Chorus, Samsun State Classical Turkish Music Choir, Elazığ State Classical Turkish Music Choir, Edirne State Turkish Music Ensemble, Şanlıurfa State Turkish Folk Music Chorus and the Konya Turkish Sufi Music Ensemble will meet with art lovers within the program.

As part of the commemoration of the 175th anniversary of the death of İsmail Dede Efendi, the Hüzzam Mevlevi Ceremony will be held on June 9 at the Yenikapı Mevlevi Lodge.

On the occasion of the Portugal 2021 European Union Presidency, the CSO Symphonic Fado event will be held on June 16 at the CSO Open Air Stage.

A special concert will be held by the Ankara State Classical Turkish Music Choir at the CSO Blue Concert Hall on June 22, where the instrumental works of Turkish TV series and films will be performed by soloists.

An event will also be held by the CSO at Trabzon Sümela Monastery on July 1.