Court arrests journalist Müyesser Yıldız

Court arrests journalist Müyesser Yıldız


An Ankara court has ruled for the arrest of Müyesser Yıldız, a news editor of  Oda TV, an online news portal on accusations that she revealed state secrets in her two articles.

She was detained on June 8 in over “political and military espionage” as part of a probe launched by Ankara Chief Public Prosecutor’s Office and was arrested early on June 12.

The articles allegedly gave details about military officers who were sent to Libya to oversee Turkey’s involvement there.

TELE 1 correspondent İsmail Dükel and a noncommissioned officer at Turkish Armed Forces, identified only as E.B., were also detained as part of the ongoing probe.

The court ruled for the release of Dükel on condition of judicial control, while arresting Yıldız and E.B. due to “the existence of a crime suspicion, the possibility of destroying evidence and the possibility of fleeing.”

In March, an Istanbul court arrested Oda TV news director Barış Terkoğlu and reporter Hülya Kılınç over a report covering the funeral of a member of Turkey’s National Intelligence Organization (MİT) killed in Libya.

The court charged the journalists with violating the MİT Law.