Counterfeit popsicle stick gang busted in Turkey

Counterfeit popsicle stick gang busted in Turkey

ISTANBUL – Doğan News Agency
Counterfeit popsicle stick gang busted in TurkeyCounterfeit popsicle stick gang busted in Turkey Two suspects were detained June 27 in Istanbul for allegedly producing fake popsicle sticks that can be used to claim free ice cream bars from vendors.

Istanbul police raided an office building in the Sultangazi district following complaints by an ice cream firm that they had received back more popsicle sticks than they originally produced. 

Thousands of fake popsicle sticks with a “free” mark on them were seized along with the machines used in production. Suspects Ahmet A., 35, and Cem S., 27, were sent to court in connection with the case.

The suspects are accused of collectively exchanging the fake popsicle sticks in some markets and selling ice cream to other markets at half-price. It was revealed that the popsicle stick ring had been producing and distributing fake sticks on the market for three years.