Convict on furlough caught swimming to Kastellorizo

Convict on furlough caught swimming to Kastellorizo


In a first-of-its-kind incident, authorities have apprehended a prisoner on furlough who attempted to escape by swimming from Antalya's Kaş district to the Greek island of Kastellorizo, also known as Meis in Türkiye.

Coast Guard teams spotted the convict during a routine monitoring session and used a boat to intercept him as he swam near Antalya’s Başak Island.

The team brought the prisoner to the police station, where it was determined that he had been temporarily released from prison but failed to return at the designated time.

After the necessary proceedings, the man was sent to the chief public prosecutor's office in the district.

Meanwhile, authorities work meticulously to capture fugitive convicts across the country.

Interior Minister Ali Yerlikaya announced that 4,517 fugitives were apprehended in the "Circle-20" operations carried out for 15 days.

“We would never permit fugitives to freely roam around the streets. We have never and will never allow them to disturb the peace of our families,” Yerlikaya said in a statement on social media.