Claims of coastal fishing in Bosphorus spark debate

Claims of coastal fishing in Bosphorus spark debate

Claims of coastal fishing in Bosphorus spark debateClaims of coastal fishing in Bosphorus spark debate

Allegations over fishing boats carrying out activities close to the shore and in shallow areas in the Bosphorus, especially off the coast of Sarıyer, violating the 24-meter depth limit and harming fish populations have sparked controversy.

"Purse seine fishing is allowed especially in the northern part of the Bosphorus. This is appropriate legally as purse seine fishing is allowed in areas deeper than 24 meters in fisheries management. But if we evaluate this scientifically, the Bosphorus is actually a passageway for fish," said Professor Saadet Karakulak from Istanbul University's Faculty of Aquatic Sciences.

"As fish migrate between two different seas, they try to adapt to different conditions, especially in straits which become stopover points for migrating fish," she said.

"Intensive fishing in these areas will have a negative impact on fish stocks. When we look at our fish stocks, we see that the amount of catch is decreasing every year," she added.

Recalling that fishing activities have always been carried out in the Bosphorus from the past to the present, Karakulak said, "The activity has generally remained at the level of traditional, small-scale fishing. However, with the development of technology in recent years, fishing activities have increased even more. The important thing is not to overfish.”

"When fish pass through a narrow corridor like the Bosphorus, our fishermen inevitably tend to hunt more on the coasts. Fishing should be done in a wider area. These fish species should at least be given the chance to pass through the Bosphorus," she said.

Commenting on the claims spreading on social media of boats carrying out fishing activities on the coasts, fisherman Mustafa Nursu said, "There are no nets on the coasts, the coasts have been extended to the sea. Municipalities have built roads, and the coasts have filled up. We are only using 30 percent of the Bosphorus and the Marmara Sea because 70 percent is already prohibited.”