Çiçek renews his calls for a democratic charter

Çiçek renews his calls for a democratic charter

DİYARBAKIR - Hürriyet Daily News

Çiçek (C) spoke at a citizens’ meeting of the Constitution Platform made up of nongovernmental organizations and trade unions. AA Photo

Parliamentary Speaker Cemil Çiçek repeated his calls to civil society to contribute to the constitution-making process, describing the course as the only way to expand democratic rights and freedoms in the country.

“We must create a new constitution that will create a system of government that will produce more services for citizens, and a more modern and advanced democracy. It must meet the needs of the people. Instead of being the source of problems, the constitution must give the political institution the authority and opportunity to solve issues,” Çiçek said yesterday at a citizens’ meeting of the Constitution Platform made up of nongovernmental organizations and trade unions. The meeting is part of the Turkey’s Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges (TOBB) initiative “Turkey Speaks.”

Support from society

Çiçek and the parliamentary commission tasked with renewing the charter already visited Konya and Edirne and are planning to visit more provinces to raise awareness about the constitution-making process and to obtain more support from different segments of society.

Politics, as an institution, has a responsibility to the people of Turkey to rewrite a new constitution that will remedy the problems that “we have been complaining about together over the years,” said Çiçek.
All opinions, suggestions and views will be considered when drafting the new constitution, Çiçek said. “Otherwise, we would have presented you with a constitution drafted behind closed doors,” he said, adding that had been done in the past. “The people rejected that. They said that they would not accept a constitution that did not include the citizens, and ask them for their opinions. This is why we are here, asking you what you want for the new constitution.”

TOBB Chairman Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu, speaking at the same meeting, said the current constitution would not allow Turkey to achieve its ambitious goals of becoming a top 10 economy and a leading nation. “Our ideals no longer fit the mold. We must make a new constitution shaped by the people,” he said.
Deputies serving on Parliament’s Constitution Conciliation Commission as well as NGO members attended the meeting.