CHP leader renews his A-team after polls

CHP leader renews his A-team after polls

CHP leader renews his A-team after pollsCHP leader renews his A-team after polls

Main opposition chairman Republican People’s Party (CHP) Chair Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu has announced the new top executive board following the defeat in the parliamentary and presidential polls.

The new Central Executive Board (MYK) was announced through a written statement by the CHP after Kılıçdaroğlu made his last meeting with the former members of his top executive team. Faik Öztrak, the party spokesman who is also responsible for economic policies, and Bülent Kuşoğlu, responsible for administrative issues, managed to keep their positions in the new MYK.

In addition, the number of MYK members has decreased from 17 to 15.

According to the statement, Ahmet Akınwill be responsible for local governments, while Aylin Yaman will be responsible for social policies.

Aysu Bankuoğlu will deal with public relations and media, while Kuşoğlu will take care of CHP’s administrative and financial issues.

Devrim Barış Çelik will be responsible for information and communication technologies, while Eren Erdem will deal with the management of the social media accounts of the CHP. Trade unions and ties with civil society will be under the helm of Hasan Efe Uyar, while Lale Karabıyık will be responsible for ties with the representatives of the employers.

Neslihan Hancıoğlu has been appointed as the secretary-general of the CHP, while another woman, Semra Dinçer, will be responsible for environmental policies. Tahsin Tarhan will deal with the CHP’s abroad organization, while Yunus Emre will be responsible for the science and culture platform and Zeynel Emre for elections and legal affairs.

Kılıçdaroğlu lost the presidential polls against President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan in the election runoff on May 28. The CHP-led Nation Alliance also failed to get the majority in the parliament. CHP secured around 25 percent of the votes and could win 169 seats at the Parliament. But this figure will decrease to 130 after lawmakers from the Democracy and Progress Party (DEVA), the Future Party, the Felicity Party and the Democrat Party will resign. These lawmakers ran for the parliament with the CHP ticket.