Cental Asia expert former Turkish intelligence member arrested over Gülen links

Police had detained Altaylı on Aug. 24 in the southern province of Antalya as a part of an investigation into the Fethullahist Terrorist Organization (FETÖ). His printed and digital materials had also been confiscated during a police search.
Altaylı had later been transferred to the capital Ankara for interrogation where he had reportedly been questioned about the FETÖ structure in the early 80s as well as the establishment of schools linked to the network.
An Ankara criminal court of peace ordered Altaylı’s arrest over his links to the network on Aug. 27, for having a connection with the aides of U.S.-based preacher Fethullah Gülen’s network and having an active role within the organization.
His lawyer Adem Eroğlu, stated they would appeal the court decision. Altaylı was subsequently transferred to the Sincan prison.
The 73-year-old diplomat had started to work for MİT in 1968.
He is known to be imprisoned for his participation in the coup attempts in the 1960s orchestrated by Talat Aydemir against the coalition government of the Republican People’s Party (CHP), New Turkey Party (YTP) and Republican Villagers Nation Party (MKMP) under Prime Minister İsmet İnönü.
His name also appears as a suspect in the assassination of Prof. Dr. Necip Hablemitoğlu in 2002.