‘Cat town’ provides home to strays in Samsun

‘Cat town’ provides home to strays in Samsun


A “Cat Town" established on 20 acres of land by Samsun Municipality for stray cats provides the city’s feral cats with a sense of home in the northeastern province.

The Cat Town offers a range of amenities, including individual and group wooden shelters, a wooden bridge, playgrounds, a cat cafeteria and various jumping and climbing structures, ensuring that the animals can enjoy their days to the fullest.

Serving as a model, the facility’s clinic provides all types of care for approximately 300 adult cats and kittens taken from all around the province on a monthly basis.

Officials first examine the cats to assess their health status. Cats without symptoms are monitored for a predetermined period, while those in critical condition are transferred to an animal hospital.

After receiving the necessary care and treatments, cats move into their designated space, where they continue to receive special attention for feeding, grooming and cleaning.

“We provide a loving home to our cherished companions in our Cat Town,” Mayor Halit Doğan said. “As representatives of a love-centered approach, we nurse, treat and show affection to them.”

“We treat all living things, including humans and nature, with the same respect and compassion. In this regard, I think our Cat Town is extremely valuable,” he further added.

As another exemplary effort for animal welfare, authorities in the southern province of Gaziantep also transformed a 100-acre area into a natural life park, offering a safe environment and care for injured or abandoned animals.

The center, where caregivers provide nursing for animals awaiting adoption, features cooling pools, doghouses, nutrition areas, playgrounds and sandboxes to help relieve stress for stray animals.