Borsa Istanbul visits companies

Borsa Istanbul has said that it provides detailed information about IPO processes and capital markets by conducting planned and regular visits to industrial enterprises.
The statement by Borsa Istanbul recalled that the list of the top 1000 largest industrial enterprises of Türkiye was announced.
“Among these enterprises, Borsa Istanbul pays visits to the ones that are not listed on the Stock Exchange, one by one, at their headquarters and answers all the questions they are curious about the capital markets.”
Officials from Borsa Istanbul visit the industrialists in several provinces, including Istanbul, Ankara, İzmir, Bursa, Kocaeli, Konya, Adana and Mersin, the statement said, adding that more visits were planned in other provinces.
Besides those visits, Borsa Istanbul also participates in the meetings held in the Chambers of Industry and Commerce in these provinces and makes presentations by meeting with industrialists.
“Thanks to these visits, Borsa Istanbul aims to explain the capital markets that finance the investments of our industrialists, ensuring the growth of our country and providing long-term access to Turkish Lira.”
In addition to these visits, Borsa Istanbul further extends its efforts on this subject both by publishing videos on social media accounts and by sending the brochure “IPO and Trading on the Stock Exchange” to companies that are not on the list of the top 1000 industrial enterprises and to the Chambers of Industry and Commerce, the statement added.