border_less Artbook Days hosts artbooks from all around world

border_less Artbook Days hosts artbooks from all around world

border_less Artbook Days hosts artbooks from all around worldborder_less Artbook Days hosts artbooks from all around world

The fourth edition of border_less Artbook Days starts today and will continue until May 15 at Arter.

It is an initiative that aims to bring together artists and art initiatives that work with text and publications with museums, galleries, and publishing institutions by creating a novel mutual ground.

The new edition of border_less Artbook Days features publications and productions by 26 artists, 12 art initiatives and 15 art institutions from nine countries.

The founders of the event, Melek Gencer and artist Huo RF said: “When we founded border_less website, in 2018, we wanted to create a platform to learn and share from different artists’ works and practices. We wanted to give space for interviews with artists, writers, and so on. We still provide border_less as an independent platform for writers and artists writing about art. We work both with writers and artists.”

After border_less website’s success, Gencer and Huo RF decided to establish an art book fair, and they founded border_less Artbook Days. “We met with art professionals, galleries and institutions, and finally, we managed to make our first move,” the duo said.

An accompanying program of public talks that revolve around art and artists’ books and several book launches will also be held over the course of the four-day event.