Book on Erdoğan on sale at Egypt stores

Book on Erdoğan on sale at Egypt stores

CAIRO - Anatolia News Agency
The Arabic edition of the book titled “Recep Tayyip Erdogan, the Birth of a Leader” is now being sold in Egypt.

The book written by Hüseyin Besli and Ömer Özbay was translated into Arabic by Tariq Abduljalil. A total of 5,000 copies of the book are now on sale in Egyptian bookstores. The book will soon be on sale in other North African countries as well.

Abduljalil said the book’s Arabic edition was introduced to readers in Libya in September 2011. The distribution of the book on Erdoğan in Egypt was an indescribable feeling, Abduljalil said.

“I began translating the book last year. It took me nine months to fully translate the book,” said Abduljalil, noting that Erdoğan had all the necessary traits for leadership.

“While translating the book, I was much influenced by Erdoğan’s leadership traits. I was especially touched by how Erdoğan did not forget his people after coming out of them as a leader,” Abduljalil said.

He said he translated the book so the Arab world could benefit from Erdoğan’s experiences. “I will soon compile a book on Erdoğan’s speeches made as part of the Alliance of Civilizations project.”

People in the Middle East love Erdoğan, he said. “He is the most charismatic leader in the Middle East.”
Abduljalil formerly translated Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu’s book “Strategic Depth” into Arabic.

Abduljalil is a professor at the Ain Shams University in Egypt and the director general of the Cairo Turkish Researches Center.