Bilkent Theater to stage Beckett’s play

Bilkent Theater to stage Beckett’s play

ISTANBUL - Hürriyet Daily News

Samuel Beckett’s ‘Krapp’s Last Tape’ will be performed in English by Bilkent Theater.

The Bilkent Theater Saloon will show Samuel Beckett’s play “Krapp’s Last Tape” Dec. 15 to 18.
E.K. McFall will direct the play that will be performed in English by theater department scholar Brendan McCall.

“Krapp’s Last Tape,” originally titled the “Magee Monologue” and written for Northern Irish actor Patrick Magee, is a one-act play made up of a one-man cast. Although there is only a single person on stage, there are a number of “characters” mentioned throughout the play.

Beckett was inspired to write the monologue after he heard Magee read excerpts from Beckett’s plays “Molloy” and “From An Abandoned Work” on the BBC Third Programme in December 1957.

“Krapp’s Last Tape” is considered Beckett’s most autobiographical piece as it draws heavily on his personal history. Beckett takes elements from his own life such as his failed love life, his drinking and his (at the time) literary failures and looks to where things could have gone. However, he once told actor Laurence Harvey that although there were parallels to his life in his work, his work did not depend on his experience nor was his work a record of it. It was only natural to draw on one’s own past, he said.
Tickets are available at and the theater hall’s main booth.

The telephone number for the hall’s main booth is 0-312-290-1775.