BBC staff to strike against reduncancy

BBC staff to strike against reduncancy


An umbrella protects broadcast equipment outside the BBC house. REUTERS photo

The staff of UK broadcast institution BBC will stage a one-day strike on Feb. 18. The National Union of Journalists (NUJ), the biggest union in BBC, stated on Feb. 11 that the strike would take place across the UK due to job losses and compulsory redundancies in the institution. Meanwhile, BBC expressed disappointment over the strike decision.

2,000 job cut

BBC’s compulsory redundancy plan involves more than 2,000 job losses across the BBC over five years.
The NUJ said the BBC was planning around 30 compulsory redundancies, affecting areas including BBC Scotland, the Asian Network, the World Service and English regions.

“The BBC is prepared to waste public money on needless redundancies rather than secure redeployment opportunities for those at risk,” Michelle Stanistreet, NUJ general secretary, said.”This demonstrates the significant failures of some managers to uphold key aspects of the redeployment agreement, let alone the spirit of the deal.”