Banquet hall frescoes unearthed in Pompeii

Banquet hall frescoes unearthed in Pompeii

Banquet hall frescoes unearthed in PompeiiBanquet hall frescoes unearthed in Pompeii

A black-walled banqueting hall decorated with scenes from Greek mythology, where ancient Romans feasted by candlelight, has been unearthed in Pompeii, the archaeological park said on April 11.

The exceptionally well-preserved frescoes show the god Apollo attempting to seduce Trojan priestess Cassandra, and Helen of Troy meeting Paris, an encounter which would lead to war.

"The mythical couples were starting points for talking about the past and life," Pompeii director Gabriel Zuchtreigel said in a statement.

"The walls were black to prevent the smoke from the lamps on the walls from being seen," he said.

"Here they gathered to feast after sunset, the flickering light of the lamps made the images seem to move, especially after a few glasses of good Campania wine," said Zuchtreigel, referring to the southern Italian region.

The hall, with its nearly intact white mosaic floor, was discovered during an excavation which has also uncovered a bakery, a laundry and houses with sumptuous frescoed living rooms.

The spacious hall shows "the high standard of living" in the domus, where building works had been under way when the volcano erupted, Pompeii said.

It said the fresco themes appear to be heroism and destiny, with the relationship between individuals and fate embodied by Cassandra, who is cursed by Apollo for rejecting him, so that she can forsee the future but is believed by no-one.

The banqueting hall, which measures some 15 meters by six meters, opens into a courtyard which appears to be an open-air service hallway, with a long staircase leading to the first floor.

A vast pile of construction materials was found set aside under the arches of the staircase.

"Someone had drawn in charcoal, on the rough plaster of the arches of the great staircase, two pairs of gladiators and what appears to be an enormous stylised phallus," the statement said.